A. 甲公司应确认主营业务收入120万元
B. 甲公司应确认其他应收款2万元
C. 甲公司应确认应交税费20.4万元
D. 甲公司应确认银行存款增加142.4万元
A. 线圈中有无磁力线通过
B. 穿过线圈中磁力线的数目有无变化
C. 线圈是否闭合
D. 线圈中有无磁通通过
You have three temporary tablespace groups named G1, G2, and G3 in your database. You are creating a new temporary tablespace as follows: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP1 TEMPFILE /u1/data/temp1.dbf SIZE 10M TABLESPACE GROUP ;Which statement regarding the above command is correct?()
A. It will create the tablespace TEMP1 in group G1
B. It will create the tablespace TEMP1 in group G3
C. It will not add the tablespace TEMP1 to any group
D. It will create the tablespace TEMP1 in the default group
E. It will throw an error with message 'specified group is not available
F. It will create a new group with a system-generated name and add the tablespace TEMP1 to it.