

A. 《城市暂行办法》
B. 《城市规划条例》
C. 《城市规划基本法规》
D. 《城市规划编制暂行办法》


— Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D below.
— For each question 19 - 33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
— There is an example at the beginning (0).
Leaving work on time may not sound like much of a (0)______ However, in an experiment by glass manufacturers Dartington Crystal, it (19)______ surprisingly difficult. Four managers, who all worked very long hours, took (20)______ in a simple experiment: they agreed to (21)______ to their set hours for a week, with no coming in early, leaving late or taking work home. The aim of the exercise was to (22)______ the balance between the managers' work and home lives. It was a way to get everyone thinking about their working hours and how to (23)______ them,
Robin Ritchie, the company's managing director, was very aware that his company was (24) ______ on the experiment at its busiest time of the year. They were also just days away from a big product (25)______ So not surprisingly, perhaps, it soon became clear that it wasn't going to be easy: even on the first day, director of design Simon Moore took home a design problem to (26)______ as he couldn't relax until he had dealt with it.
As the week progressed, the four people involved found it hard to (27)______ with the pressure of leaving work undone. They felt they were (28)______ people down, and worried about the effect on the business. (29)______ crises made it more and more difficult to go home on time. Changing working habits wasn't easy. (30)______ they saw the experiment through to the end.
There was some (31)______ up to do the following week, but the company did not appear to have suffered. Significantly, too, the experiment made the managers reappraise their (32)______ to staying late and start prioritising tasks. All in all, they felt the experiment was of (33)______ benefit, and that it helped them to create a better balance in their lives.

A. displayed
B. showed
C. proved
D. demonstrated


A. 公司治理应能够激励商业银行董事会和管理层一致追求符合商业银行和股东利益的目标
B. 良好的公司治理是商业银行安全稳健运行的一项基本要素,建立之后如果存在明显疏漏,则会造成商业银行破产
C. 商业银行公司治理应建立健全以监事会为核心的监督机制
D. 商业银行公司治理应建立健全合理的薪酬制度,强化激励约束机制


A. 分段抽样法
B. 分层抽样法
C. 群体抽样法
D. 系统抽样法


A. 0期
B. Ⅰa期
C. Ⅰb期
D. Ⅱ期
E. Ⅲ期
