
What distinguishes the language of science from languages, as we ordinarily understand the word? How is it that scientific language is international? What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data. As an illustration, let us take the language of Euclidean geometry and algebra. They manipulate with a small number of independently introduced concepts, respectively symbols, such as the integral number, the straight line, the point, as well as with signs which designate the fundamental concepts. This is the basis for the construction, respectively definition of all other statements and concepts. The connection between concepts and statements on the one hand and the sensory data on the other hand is established through acts of counting and measuring whose performance is sufficiently well determined.
22. The super-national character of scientific concepts and scientific language is due to the fact that they have been set up by the best brains of all countries and all times. In solitude and yet in cooperative effort as regards the final effect they created the spiritual tools for the technical revolutions which have transformed the life of mankind in the last centuries. Their system of concepts has served as a guide in the bewildering chaos of perceptions so that we learned to grasp general truths from particular observations.
23. What hopes and fears does the scientific method imply for mankind? I do not think that this is the right way to put the question. Whatever this tool in the hand of man will produce depends entirely on the nature of the goals alive in this mankind. Once these goals exist, the scientific method furnishes means to realize them. Yet it cannot furnish the very goals. The scientific method itself would not have led anywhere. It would not even have been born without a passionate striving for clear understanding.
24. Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem--in my opinion--to characterize our age. If we desire sincerely and passionately the safety, the welfare and the free development of the talents of all men, we shall not be in want of the means to approach such a state. Even if only a small part of mankind strives for such goals, their superiority will prove itself in the long run.



要求:(1)参考给定资料,观点明确,内容充实,结构完整,语言生动;(2)对在当前电子商务发展问题上的某些问题与不足,应恰当阐述,给予澄清;(3)总字数1 000~1 200字。


&8226;The company you work for is expanding rapidly and is looking for new
premises. Your Managing Director is interested in Waterside Industrial Park, and has asked you to write a letter to find out more information.
&8226;Read Waterside Industrial Park's advertisement below, on which your Managing Director has already made some notes.
&8226;Then, using all your Managing Director's handwritten notes, write your letter to Rosemary Brown at Waterside Industrial Park.
&8226;Do not include postal addresses.
&8226;Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.
