Xi Hu is often ______ to Xizi , the most beautiful woman described in Chinese _________. It is said that _________ like Xizi, XiHu is always _______ .西湖常被喻为中国古代诗词中最美丽的女子,据说,像西子一样淡妆或浓抹,西湖总是迷人的。
The yellow River, Huang He, is 5,464 _______ long, _________ in the world.黄河长5464公里,世界排名第五.
_______ in the Qinghai Tibetan _______ , it _________ through nine provinces and _________ the Bohai Sea .它发源于青藏高原,向东流经九个省,最后流入渤海。
Sometimes Huang He is _______ called the _________ .有时,黄河被诗意地称为浑流。
The rich _______ carried by Huang He formed _______ farmland that is the _______ of Chinese _______ .黄河所携带的丰富淤泥形成了肥沃的农田,是中国文化的发源地。