
以下哪一条语句不能实现”hello world”字符串在一行中输出()

A. print(‘hello world’)
B. print(“hello world”)
C. print(”’hello
D. world”’)
E. D.print(‘hello \
F. world’)



A. >>> [5] * 2
B. [10]
C. B.>>> word = ‘cloud’; word[5]
D. ‘d’
E. C.>>> word = ‘cloud’; print(min(word))
F. c
G. D.>>> print(‘Merry Xmas ‘ + 12.25)
H. Merry Xmas 12

Reporters can exert their creativity in writing a feature story, as John Branch did in writing “Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek”, a feature published on The New York Times. According to this

A. Pictures
B. Interactive graphics
C. Animated simulations
D. Stunning videos
E. All of the above

How do you categorize a piece of travel writing()

A. It’s a human interest story
B. It’s a trend story
C. It’s an in-depth story
D. It can be any of the above

In news English, the use of active voice helps to____()

A. emphasize the actor
B. make the text rhythmical, concise and readable
C. convey factual information / reveal certain information
D. make the sentence longer
