“ If the originals have some significance, we generally require that their images also have the same significance, or realistically, as nearly the same significance as we get.”Originals refer to , and images refer to
A. 起源,影像
B. 原件,映像
C. 原文,译文
Translation may be defined as follows; the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). (J.C. Catford)SL is , and TL is .
A. Source Language, Target Language
B. Spanish Language, Thailand Language
C. Sign Language, Translation Language
Who proposed the principles of translation :Faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance?
A. yan Fu
B. Lun Xun
C. Nida
Chinese people began to translate about two thousand years ago.
A. Literary works
Buddhist scriptures
C. Business papers
支娄迦谶What is the pinyin of“谶”
A. ji (二声)
B. qi(四声)
C. chen(四声)