叔卤代烷在没有强碱存在时起SN1和E1反应,常得到取代产物和消除产物的混合物,但当试剂的碱性越(强/弱),或碱的浓度越 (高/低)时,消除产物的比例增加。对于伯卤代烷,碱的体积越 (大/小),越有利于E2反应的进行。
[音频]Do you ____ not being in Washington to secure the votes? (来源:美剧《纸牌屋》)
A. feel guilty of
B. feel satisfied with
[音频]Yeah. Why not? You'd ____.(来源:美剧《绝命毒师》)
A. be alright
B. be suitable
[音频]It's never gonna happen, she's ____.(来源:美剧《老友记》)
A. dating someone else
B. waiting to get married
[音频]Social media often ____ the best and the worst of humanity. (来源:VOA慢速英语)
A. ruins
B. reveals