A. 人工呼吸时必须要开放气道
B. 心脏按压一定要在胸骨中下段,否则极易造成肋骨骨折
C. 心脏按压频率越快越好
D. 心脏按压的力度在不造成骨折的情形下,至少使胸廓下陷5CM,以充分挤压心脏产生血液流动
What is the topic of this episode of the podcast “Two-Minute Talk”?
A. Experiences of learning English.
B. Practicing English with foreign friends.
C. The benefits of the “flipped classroom”.
D. Educational differences in China and Mexico.
What do we know about how Rosa studied English in Mexico?
A. The class sizes were smaller.
B. There was less class participation.
C. They used the “flipped classroom” concept.
D. People were more eager to talk to each other.
What does Liu Xiang worry about spending too much time on discussion in class?
A. He is scared of making mistakes.
B. He may not be able to think deeply.
C. Other students may not be well-prepared.
D. Too many students speak at the same time.