
瓦格纳法则可以简单表述为:随着人均收入的提高,财政支出占GDP的比重也随之相应提高。( )

A. 对
B. 错


随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立,我国财政支出占GDP的比重不断提高。( )

A. 对
B. 错

阶梯增长理论认为:在社会经济发展的非正常时期,财政支出会猛增,而恢复正常后,财政支出还会退回到原来的正常水平。( )

A. 对
B. 错

Generally, rising tone is not used in the situation below.

A. Polite requests.
B. Yes / No questions.
C. Wh-questions.
D. Incomplete utterances.

About English intonation, which statement is not correct ?

A. Intonation is the most important element of spoken English.
B. Intonation makes English sound really English.
C. Intonation is the melody of language.
D. Intonation can tell the feeling of the speaker.
