
nuclearextendedhomosexualspecific genderdistantsocial genderblendedbiologicaldivorcedsingle-parentadoptedgenetically[音频]2. An1family consists of the biological or adoptive parents, their children, and other close relatives, such as the grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and sometimes more2relatives.


nuclearextendedhomosexualspecific genderdistantsocial genderblendedbiologicaldivorcedsingle-parentadoptedgenetically[音频]3.3. A 1family consists of a couple of the same biological sex or 2 , and they might have adopted children.

nuclearextendedhomosexualspecific genderdistantsocial genderblendedbiologicaldivorcedsingle-parentadoptedgenetically[音频]4.1families are families with children under age 18 headed by a parent who is widowed or 2and not remarried, or by a parent who has never married.

nuclearextendedhomosexualspecific genderdistantsocial genderblendedbiologicaldivorcedsingle-parentadoptedgenetically[音频]5. A stepfamily or1family is a family where one parent has children from a previous relationship that are not2 related to the other parent.

