Complete the sentences with suitable expressions from the collocation box. Make changes where necessary. Sometimes more than one collocation is possible.Verbs which often go before:reputation: give / have / ruinAdjectives which often go before:competition: intense/ fair /freeAdverbs which often go with:value : highly/ greatly/ sociallycomplain:loudly/bitterly / constantly1 Practicing good corporate social responsibility (企业社会责任) can usually _______ a company a good ___________.2 The Chinese __________________ social harmony and smoothness of relationships within the family.3 To protect consumers’ rights and ensure ______________, the government is careful to work out the laws about online shopping.4 He informed me of the ___________________ between students and how they work hard to hopefully go to a famous university.5 For long, the Chinese people ______________________ of being afraid of losing face or lian in Chinese.6 I just can’t stand people who ________________________ in public places.