
乙脑高热护理错误的措施是( )

A. 体温控制在38℃左右为宜
B. 可用冰帽、冰袋退热
C. 以药物退热为主,物理降温为辅
D. 伴惊厥者,可采用亚冬眠疗法
E. 伴四肢厥冷者,禁用冷敷和醇浴


乙脑流行时间特点是( )

A. 2-4月高峰
B. 5-6月好发
C. 集中于7~9三个月
D. 1l-12月发病增多
E. 一年四季均可发病,夏季高峰

Task Fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given.1. Each boy and girl(be)given a gift on Christmas Day.2. Nobody but Jack and Jane(have)made great progress in the class recently.3. Jim is the only one of the staff members who(be)to be promoted.4. Many a child(learn)to walk before he can speak.5. —(be)twenty dollars a big sum to her?— I suppose so.6. Three hours(be)enough for us to finish the task.7. Most of his savings(keep)in the Xinhua Bank.8. All that can be done(do).9. One or perhaps more pages(miss).10. Neither Tom nor his parents(be)at home.11. Either the dean or the principal(attend) the meeting.12. Not the students but the teacher(be) wrong.


A. 用INSERT SELECT语句,可以复制表格,但前提是要先创建好新表结构
B. 插入单个行可使用INSERT语句
C. 用SELECT INTO语句复制数据表,事先要创建好新表结构
D. 用SELECT INTO语句直接复制数据表,不用事先创建新表结构


A. 可以批量删除列值
B. 可以进行批量数据修改
C. 可以进行批量数据插入
D. 可以进行批量数据删除
