假定框架钢材采用Q345,fy=345N/mm2,某梁柱节点构造如下图所示。试问,柱在节点域满足规程要求的腹板最小厚度twc(mm),与下列()项数值最为接近。 提示:按《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》(JGJ 99—98)计算。
You want to complete the upgrades before production begins in the morning.
What should you do?
A. Perform. an unattended installation by running the winnt32 command and the /cmdcons switch.
B. Perform. an unattended installation by running the winnt32 command and specify the use of a .txt file and a uniqueness database file.
C. Perform. an unattended installation by running the winnt command and specify the use of a .txt file and a uniqueness database file.
D. Perform. an unattended installation by using a Winnt.sif file with a commands section that initiates the Update.exe command in quiet mode.
A. 751kN·m
B. 891.1kN·m
C. 715kN·m
D. 680kN·m
A. 8
B. 5
C. 3
D. 0
有一用Q235钢制作的钢柱。作用在柱顶的集中荷载设计值F=2500kN;拟采用支承加劲肋-400×30传递集中荷载,加劲肋上端刨平顶紧,柱腹板切槽后与加劲肋焊接,如下图所示。取角焊缝hf=16mm,试问,焊缝长度l1(mm)与下列()项数值最为接近。 提示:考虑柱腹板沿角焊缝边缘剪切破坏的可能性。
A. 400
B. 500
C. 600
D. 700