
Using sophisticated measuring devices, science is learning more and more about the far-reaching and often surprising impact humidity has on all of us.
Two summers ago angry callers phoned American Television and Communications Corp.'s cable-TV operation in northeastern Wisconsin, complaining about fuzzy pictures and poor reception. "What happened," said the chief engineer, "was that the humidity was interfering with our signals." When a blast of dry air invaded the state, the number of complaints dropped sharply.
Humidity plays hob with our mechanical world as well. Water condensation on the playing beads and tapes of videocassette recorders produces a streaky picture. Humidity shortens the life of flashlight and smoke-detector batteries. When the weather gets sticky, the rubber belts that power the fan, air conditioner and alternator under the hood of our cars can get wet and squeak.
Moisture also causes pianos to go out of tune, often in no time flat. At the Wolf Trap Farm Park for the Performing Arts in Vienna, where pianos are tuned twice a day during the summer concert season. Often a tuner stands in the wings, ready to make emergency adjustments during performances.
Humidity speeds the deterioration of treasured family photos and warps priceless antiques. Your home's wooden support beams, doors and window framers absorb extra moisture and expand-swelling up to three percent depending on the wood, its grain and the setting.
Too much moisture promotes blight that attacks potato and green-bean crops—adding to food costs. It also causes rust in wheat, which can affect grain-product prices.
Humidity affects our health, as well. We get more migraine headaches, ulcer attacks, blood clots and skin rashes in hot, humid weather. Since 1987, the Health, Weight and Stress Clinic at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore has tested over 1700 patients for responses to high humidity. They have reported increased dizziness, stomachaches, chest pains, cramps, and visual disturbances such as double and blurred vision.
The main idea of the passage is about ______.

A. the main source of humidity
B. the impact of humidity on our world and ourselves
C. how humidity affect our life
D. the damage humidity has done to our world



A. 正确
B. 错误

关于应付债券的会计处理中正确的是 ()。A.如果发行费用大于发行期间冻结资金所产生的利息收入,按关于应付债券的会计处理中正确的是 ()。

A. 如果发行费用大于发行期间冻结资金所产生的利息收入,按发行费用减去发行期间冻结资金所产生的利息收入后的差额,根据发行债券所筹集资金的用途,分别计入财务费用或相关资产成本
B. 如果发行费用小于发行期间冻结资金所产生的利息收入,按发行期间冻结资金所产生的利息收入减去发行费用后的差额,视同发行债券的溢价收入,在债券存续期间于计提利息时摊销,并按借款费用的原则处理
C. 应于资产负债表日按摊余成本和实际利率计算确定的债券利息费用
D. 企业应于债券到期支付债券本息时,借记“应付债券——面值、应计利息”科目,贷记“银行存款”科目


A. 分布式控制技术
B. 随机访问技术
C. 集中式控制技术
D. 定时访问技术


A. 增加
B. 不变
C. 减少
D. 不确定
