根据下列资料,回答 101~105 题。
2008年前三季度,江苏规模以上工业企业累计综合能源消费总量为13098.59万吨标准煤,同比增长6.41%,增幅比去年同期回落3.41个百分点,比今年一季度和上半年的增幅分别回落0.9个、0.79个百分点。 看,电力、热力的生产和供应业、黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业、化学原料及化学制品制造业、非金属矿物制品业、纺织业、造纸及纸制品业、石油化工炼焦及核燃料加工业等七大高耗能行业共消费能源11143.39万吨标准煤,占全省总数的85.07%同比增长5.79%,增幅低于全省平均水平0.62个百分点,比去年同期增幅回落3.19个百分点,高耗能行业能耗高增长的势头得到进一步的控制。其中:石油化工、炼焦及核燃料加工业能耗同比下降8.4%,纺织业能耗同比下降0.5%,电力、热力的生产和供应业能耗同比上升5.16%,值得关注的是,造纸及纸制品业综合能耗同比增幅高达14.98%,电力、热力的生产和供应业能耗增幅比去年同期又上升了1.11个百分点。
第 101 题 2007年前三季度七大高耗能行业消耗的能源总数占规模以上工业企业累计综合能源消费总量的()。
A. 68.29%
B. 79.89%
C. 85.07%
D. 85.57%
The woman went to see a doctor because ______ .
A. oranges made her feel unhappy
B. she didn't want to eat some green things
C. she didn't like her orange skin
听力原文:Dr. Green is a pediatric dentist. Most of his patients are children. Children like to come to his office. He tells them about their teeth. He cleans their teeth well. He also takes care of their toothaches and fixes their broken teeth. Then he gives them a small gift.
Dr. Green lives in Olney. That's a small town near Washington,@D@C.. But his dental office is in Washington at 1616 Jefferson Street. He gets up at 6:15 every morning. He eats breakfast at 6:45 and leaves for work at 7:15. He drives to work and keeps his car in a parking lot on Madison Street. He gets to his office at about 8:00.
Dentists earn a lot of money, and they also have a lot of responsibilities.
What is Dr. Green?
A psychiatrist.
B. A pediatric dentist.
C. A paediatrician.