

A. 变压器
B. 电容器
C. 电流互感器
D. 电压互感器
E. 断路器
F. 耦合电容器
G. 避雷器等



A. 承包人的主要任务
B. 施工工期
C. 违约责任
D. 投标保证金额


A. 继承和发展马列主义、毛泽东思想,创立了中国特色社会主义理论
B. 领导全党、全国人民实现了政治、思想、组织路线的拨乱反正回
C. 正确总结建国以来的历史经验,科学评价毛泽东的历史地位和毛泽东思想的指导意义
D. 作出了改革开放的基本国策,开创了社会主义现代化建设的新时期
E. 从我国实际出发,制定了我国现代化建设的方针政策和宏伟蓝图


A. 正确
B. 错误

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER Primary Key FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(25) HIRE_DATE DATE You issue these statements: CREATE table new_emp ( employee_id NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(30)); INSERT INTO new_emp SELECT employee_id , last_name from employees; Savepoint s1; UPDATE new_emp set name = UPPER(name); Savepoint s2; Delete from new_emp; Rollback to s2; Delete from new_emp where employee_id =180; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James'; Rollback to s2; UPDATE new_emp set name = 'James' WHERE employee_id =180; Rollback; At the end of this transaction, what is true?()

A. You have no rows in the table.
B. You have an employee with the name of James.
C. You cannot roll back to the same savepoint more than once.
D. Your last update fails to update any rows because employee ID 180 was already deleted.
