句子翻译(手写并拍照上传):Survey grade receivers are the most accurate, capable of centimeter or even millimeter accuracy, depending on the equipment, but they use more advanced techniques to achieve this level of accuracy and, naturally, are more expensive.
句子翻译(手写并拍照上传):Since the base station “ knows” where it is, it can compute the errors in its position calculations (in reality, it computes timing errors) and apply them to any number of roving receivers in the same general area.
句子翻译(手写并拍照上传):It is not until you take the rover files back to the office and process them using differential correction software and data from the base station file, that you get corrected positions.
error distribution:( )正态分布:( )Gaussian distribution:( )laws of probability:( )正态随机变量:( )normal error distribution curve:( )最或然值:( )期望值:( )unbiased estimate:( )index of precision:( )方差:( )
standard deviation:( )中误差:( )mean square error of angle observation:( )mean square error of side length:( )mean square error of a point:( )mean square error of azimuth:( )mean square error of coordinate:( )mean square error of height:( )variance of unit weight:( )error ellipse:( )