
The size and location of the world's deserts are always changing.Over millions of years,as climateschange and mountains rise,new dry and wet areas appear. But within the last hundred years,desertshave been increasing at frightful speed. This is partly because of natural changes,but men should beresponsible for creating deserts most.


Read the article and match the titles with the paragraphs.

1. I’ve been______toalmostallkindsofpetsformywhole life,butluckilythere arestilla fewIcan live with.A. sensitive B. allergic C. alert D. adaptable2. If I had known how he felt, I would never have let him ______ those children.A. adapt B. adjust C. adopt D. advocate3. Never think success is merely a ______ of luck. Rather, it’s the result of untiring efforts.A. piece B. wee C. stroke D. slight4. Anearthquakehitthecapital,causing______amongthepopulation.A. scare B. panic C. fear D. fright5. Mr. Burns had to quit his position as CEO, after it came to light that his brother was in jail for corruption. Shareholders got scared he might have more skeletons in the ______.A. cabinet B. safe C. wardrobe D. closet6. Inoticedaslight ______ofdisagreementonhisface.A. nodding B. wink C. frown D. complexion7. The parents showed remarkable forbearance toward their ______ and unruly son.A. defiant B. disciplined C. dishonest D. dutiful8. After all the losses, we had to start from ______ and it took times.A. scramble B. scream C. scrape D. scratch9. Amongthehabitswhichchildrenshould_____areslovenliness,rudeness,laziness, lying,stealingandslandering.A. shake B. shrink C. shatter D. shun10. When an earthquake strikes, most people ______ in doorways, or other strong points in their homes.A. cower B. cuddle C. huddle D. curl11. Mydaughterranawayfromhome,Ihaveto______herbackatonce.A. talk B. persuade C. convince D. coax12. Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide refugees with food, ______ and medical supplies.A. facilities B. shelter C. residence D. rescue13. Hewilltalktoanyoneand______ outhislifestorytoatotalstranger.A. spill B. confide B. disclose D. reveal14. Seeking to ______ from punishment, he only brought more suffering upon himself.A. avoid B. escape C. flee D. shun15. You'vebeendriftingfromjobtojobwithoutanyreal______.A. commitment B. seriousness C. duty D. passion


A. 对
B. 错

1. Having been living in this small town since my birth, I feel so ______ to leave.A. willing B. reluctant C. isolated D. resolute2. These actions are ______ with his principles.A. accord B. according C. consisting D. consistent3. If you have a crush on her, take the _____ then: ask her if you can train with her.A. risks B. steps C. initiative D. initial4. Patients may be put at ____ if hospital staff refuse to work in the evenings and at weekends.A. danger B. riskC. operationD. compassion5. He was a man of _____, but unfortunately he had a bad reputation which I believe was not deserved.A. integrate B. integral C. integrity D. initiative6. It is not possible to______ another person through kissing.A. affect B. effect C. infect D. pollute7. I disagree with the_____that economic development has priority over the environment.A. promise B. premise C. preface D. demise8. It is neither reasonable nor fair to judge the blacks simply by your _____.A. appearance B. words C. stereotype D. types9. For two decades the country has been______ by civil war and foreign intervention.A. ravaged B. ravaging C. preserved D. preserving10. He ______ AIDS from a blood transfusion.A. distracted B. contracted C. attracted D. isolated
