请注意答案单词需要区分大小写!I've spent a lot of time living in 1)________.so there isn't one place i thnk of as 2)________ . I've lived in Scotland and Poland and China. I love going to 3)________ and learning about 4)________ . Today, I'm asking people about travel.
Python语句>>> f = lambda x, y=3, z=5: x*y*z>>> f(2)程序运行结果是()。
A. 6
B. 12
C. 15
D. 30
A. 函数的定义必须在程序的开头
B. 函数定义后,其中的程序就可以自动执行
C. 函数定义后需要调用才会执行
D. 函数体体与关键字def必须左对齐
以下代码的运行结果是()。def func():x = 100func()print(x)
A. 0
B. 100
C. x
D. 程序编译失败