____ I enjoy the book with some nice pictures, I don’t have enough money to buy it.
A. Since
B. While
C. As
D. If
He’ll come ____ I promise him to buy that new dictionary.
A. though
B. on condition that
C. as soon as
D. by the time
A. student = {"01":"张三", "02":"李四", "03":"王五"}
B. student = {1:"张三", 2:"李四", 3:"王五"}
C. student = {(1,1):"张三", (1,2):"李四", (1,3):"王五"}
D. student = {[1,1]:"张三", [1,2]:"李四", [1,3]:"王五"}
假设字典 student = {"张三":2001, "李四":2001, "王五":2001},以下哪个选项的作用是为这个字典添加一个
A. student["张三"] = 2002
B. student["Henry"] = 2001
C. student["李四"] += 1
D. del student["李四"]
假设字典 dict1 = {'a':97, 'b':98, 'c':99}, dict2={"red":"#FF0000", "green":"#00FF00", "blue":"#0000FF"},以下各选项中表达式的返回值是True的是哪个选项?
A. dict1 == dict2
B. dict1 != dict2
C. 97 indict1
D. "
E. 0000FF" in dict2