
A.In Britain.B.In Concord.C.In Lexington.D.In Boston.

A. In Britain.
B. In Concord.
C. In Lexington.
D. In Boston.



A. 有些真理是根本无法通过实践来加以检验的
B. 任何实践经验都需要一定的逻辑证明作为其补充的手段
C. 作为检验真理标准的社会实践总要受到历史条件的限制
D. 不同的人、不同的阶级各有其不同的实践标准

A.Most people passed the stone as if nothing had happened.B.Most people did nothing bu

A. Most people passed the stone as if nothing had happened.
B. Most people did nothing but complain.
C. Most people tried lo move the stone away.
D. Most people fell against the stone.

A.He was very clever.B.He was very strong.C.He was honest.D.He was foolish.

A. He was very clever.
B. He was very strong.
C. He was honest.
D. He was foolish.

A.She is the director of the group.B.She is playing the piano.C.She is playing the vio

A. She is the director of the group.
B. She is playing the piano.
C. She is playing the violin.
D. She is playing the bass.
