
编程:输入正整数n(0 < n <= 10),然后输入n个字符串,输出字典序最大的字符串。部分程序如下:#include#include#define N 40int main(void){int i,n;char max[N] = "";char str[N];scanf("%d", &n);getchar();for(i = 1; i <= n; i++){gets(str);if( strcmp(str, max) > 0 )}puts(max);return 0;}


Which phrase shares the same meaning as the underlined one?It will be an exciting party, as we have prepared a variety of programmes.

A. much
B. all sorts of
C. kind of
D. sort of

Miss Linda Colam ()the honour of your presence at the Opening Ceremony of new company.

A. remains
B. renews
C. requests
D. requires

We are looking forward to your ().

A. come
B. comes
C. coming
D. came

What does the word "formal" mean?

A. 随意的
B. 非正式的
C. 正式的
D. 正常的
