If something creaks, is it likely to make a high noise when you put weight on it?
8 If a gate has fallen off its hinges, is it likely to open and shut normally?
A. 对
B. 错
9 If something is impossible to live with, do you find it pleasant?
A. 对
B. 错
A. 八七会议
B. 党的六届六中全会
C. 党的七大
D. 古田会议
中国革命必须走农村包围城市、武装夺取政权的道路,是由( )决定的
A. 中国革命对象异常强大
B. 中国无产阶级力量比较薄弱
C. 中国所处的时代特点和具体国情
D. 秋收起义等一系列以占领城市为目标的武装起义的失败