A. signed short int
B. unsigned long int
C. unsigned int
D. long short
What is the output of the following statements, given that the variable Num1=3 and the variable Num2=5?printf(“The sum of %d + %d is 6.”, Num1, Num2)()
A. The sum of 3 and 5 is 8
B. The sum of 3 and 5 is 6
C. The sum of Num1 and Num2 is 8
D. The sum of Num1 and Num2 is 6
How many times will the following program print hello?i = 1;while (i <= 10){ puts(“hello”); }()
A. 10
B. 8
C. an infinite number of times
D. 0
What is the output of code corresponding to the following program segment if Age=18?if(age>=18) printf(“You are eligible to vote.”);else vote = age-18; printf(“You can vote in %d years”, vote)()
A. You are eligible to vote
B. You can vote in 18 years
C. You can eligible to vote.Your can vote in 0 years
D. You can vote in 0 years