在本案例中,选择使用开放式厨房的住房的民族是In this case, which ethnic group has open kitchen in their houses()
A. 朝鲜族Korean Chinese
B. 汉族Han people
C. 满族Manchu people
D. 其他民族Other ethnic groups
封闭式问题是指Closed question means()
A. 必须要回答的问题questions that must be answered
B. 没有选择的问题no options for choosing
C. 保密的问题the issue of confidentiality
D. 有固定的选择答案的问题with some fixed answers
朝鲜族民居最大的特征之一是存在外廊,这种廊在不同地方面积不同,即越往朝鲜半岛北部面积One of the major features of Korean Chinese dwellings is the front porch, which has different size in different places. What is the trend of the porch toward
A. 变大getting larger
B. 变小getting smaller
C. 没变化no changes
D. 不知道no clear answer
本案例中没有访谈到的对象是Which group of the interviewees that was NOT interviewed in this case()
A. 本地经营者local entrepreneurs
B. 外地投资者outer investors
C. 外地游客tourists
D. 无经营性的普通村民ordinary villagers without business
Cet homme_beaucoup, mains il ne_rien d’intéressant()
A. dit parle
B. parle dit
C. dit dit
D. parle parle