A. 诗篇形象地塑造了一个追求尘世幸福的人,这个人有着强烈的分享幸福的意识,因而,诗人笔下的这个人物就给人很亲切的感觉。
B. “喂马,劈柴,周游世界”“关心粮食和蔬菜”“有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开”,这是作者对自己实在却不乏闲散、清苦却不乏浪漫的田园牧歌式的尘世生活的具体描述。
C. “给每一条河每一座山取一个温暖的名字”,诗人告诉我们,诗中的“我”有博大的胸怀,愿将自己的幸福分赠给亲人、陌生人乃至整个社会,还要分赠给大自然。
D. 诗中所用的意象,极其洗练,纯净而单纯,诗中的意象并不多,但第一节中仅用几笔就勾勒出一幅生动的画面,显示了海子抒情诗的风格。
In the(), the commercial business in the city ofChengdu, which is today’s Sichuan Province,printed paper banknotescalled (a note for trade).
A. the Tang dynasty
B. the Song Dynasty
C. the Han dynasty
D. A.the Ming dynasty
In the(), the commercial business in the city ofChengdu, which is today’s Sichuan Province,printed paper banknotescalled (a note for trade).
A. the Tang dynasty
B. A.theSong Dynasty
C. A.the Han dynasty
D. A.the Ming dynasty
The History of Currency from the very beginningto __、___、and to ____. It went through a lot of changes with different societies
1.Aside from China, many societies in India and Africa have regarded cowrie shells as an important era of their currency.
A. 对
B. 错