In modern linguistics, we have a special type of words which are used to introduce complement clauses. In English, such kinds of words as that , for, ifare called c_______.
For the sentence "I doubted if he could understand", In the tree diagram of Merger operation analysis, "-ed" and "could" can occupy the i__________ position in IP.
For the sentence "He admitted that he stole the book", In the tree diagram of Merger operation analysis, the word "______" in this sentence can occupy the complementizer position in CP.
For the sentence "Will they have gone?" , the word _______ is originally in the position of "I" in IP, but was moved to the position "C" in CP, this kind of movement is called head movement.
The following sentence may be ambiguous: "The police were urged to stop drinking at midnight." We can understand it in ____ different meanings( that is , how many kinds of meanings? two? three? four?)