
How to memorize a speech?

A. Nobody expects you to be as perfect as Robot
B. Trying to visualize your speech
C. Trying to rehearsal as many times as you can so that you can be exactly accurate as the script.
D. Find the key words of each point.


You audience wants to be engaged and entertained or educated so that your delivery of the speech needs to be exactly as accurate as your script.

A. 对
B. 错

A great speech is about your message and how you deliver it.

A. 对
B. 错

根据党的十九大战略安排,到2035年国防和军队建设要( )

A. 建立中国特色现代化军事力量体系
B. 全面建成世界一流军队
C. 建设军民一体化的国家战略体系
D. 基本实现国防和军队现代化

人民军队的建军之本,强军之魂是( )

A. 密切联系群众
B. 全新全意为人民服务
C. 作风优良
D. 党对军队绝对领导
