
国际企业文化的层次结构包括( )。

A. 心理层次
B. 制度层次
C. 行为层次
D. 民族层次


国际经营管理是一种带有很强文化色彩的企业活动,而文化的特征主要有( )

A. 文化是后天习得的
B. 文化是先天遗传的
C. 具有不可变迁性
D. 文化具有适应性E

国际企业的文化环境包括( )

A. 语言
B. 教育
C. 宗教信仰
D. 观念

To be up to the job, you need to go through ________ (1. A、deprive;B、rigorous;C、integral;D、abandon;E、captive)trainings in expertise.He has been a ________ (2. A、deprive;B、rigorous;C、integral;D、abandon;E、captive)to the pop star’s charm.As the best player in the team, he is ________ (3. A、deprive;B、rigorous;C、integral;D、abandon;E、captive)to its struggle for the national champion.If you ________ (4. A、deprive;B、rigorous;C、integral;D、abandon;E、captive)yourself to pleasures, you are less likely to make something of you in life.One’s life, once ________ (5. A、deprive;B、rigorous;C、integral;D、abandon;E、captive)of the goal for one to seek, often turns out to be mean and petty.

A greedy person is often __________ (1. A、compliment;B、afflict;C、embark;D、cherish;E、signify)with his unquenchable thirst for wealth.It is unwise of you to ___________ (2. A、compliment;B、afflict;C、embark;D、cherish;E、signify)a snake in your bosom.If you want others to ___________ (3. A、compliment;B、afflict;C、embark;D、cherish;E、signify)you on what you’ve done, you must get it done well.A fever usually __________ (4. A、compliment;B、afflict;C、embark;D、cherish;E、signify)that there is something wrong with the body.Never ___________ (5. A、compliment;B、afflict;C、embark;D、cherish;E、signify)on what comes after without having mastered what goes before.
