When will the show begin?
A. 1:15.
B. 0.0833333
C. 0.0625
D. 0.145833
A. 债务人对债权人提出的破产申请有异议并向人民法院提交相关证据材料的,人民法院可以组织债权人与债务人进行听证,听证会期间不计入法定期间
B. 人民法院裁定受理破产申请的,应当将裁定自作出之日起5日内送达申请人
C. 债权人申请债务人破产动机不纯的,人民法院可以拒绝受理该破产案件
D. 人民法院在审理债务人人员下落不明或财产状况不清的破产案件时,在对债务人的法定代表人等相关人员采取强制措施后,债务人仍不向人民法院提交有关材料的,可以中止该案件的审理
听力原文:M: The drain is clogged again and there's water all over the bathroom floor.
W: We'll have to call Mr. Brown right away.
Q: What job does Mr. Brown probably have?
A. Laundry worker
B. Plumber
______ When the police received the report they arrested the advertiser at once.
A. T
B. F
听力原文:M: I'm about worn out. I've been busy typing all day long. and I've got a stiff neck and sore shoulders. Guess I'm really getting old.
W: Don't be silly. You just need a god rest.
Q: What is the man's real problem?
A. He is sick.
B. He is getting too old.
C. He is overworked.