Understanding main ideasWrite the correct paragraph number from the reading next to its main idea._____ 1. Generally people say “Sawadee” to greet friends._____ 2. In Turkey, greeting people with a hug is acceptable for both women and men.______3. People from different countries say hello to each other in different ways.______4. People in Venezuela often give each other kisses on the cheek when greeting.______5. In the United States, men and women usually greet each other differently.
Understanding detailsComplete the sentences with details from the reading.1. When you shake hands, looking the other person __________ is important.2. Male friends in the U.S. often greet each other with ___________a by touching fists.3. In Thailand these days, more and more businesspeople greet each other by ______________ .
A. 初期即有明显症状
B. 诊断标准是血压高于140/90mmHg
C. 绝大多数原发性高血压属于缓进型
D. 可出现靶器官损害的临床表现
E. 约半数人测量血压后才偶然发现血压升高
A. 高血压治疗不要联合用药也能控制
B. 治疗初期的剂量尽量要大到可以控制血压
C. 降血压尽量选择长效制剂
D. 只要是高血压患者使用的药物就是一样的
E. 血压下降之后就可以考虑减药停药了