What does Alfred Eisenstaedt's famous kissing photo symbolize?
A. Exhaustion
B. Sadness
C. Exuberance
D. Relief
What does the photograph of Einstein show?
A. He is known for his brilliance.
B. He is enjoying his 72nd birthday in peace.
C. He changed history with his scientific contributions.
D. He is a genius who has a sense of humor.
Edison is an inventor?
A. yes.
B. nNo
C. not sure.
Is millitary training necessary for the college student?
A. no,
B. yes,it can make the students strong and healthy.
C. I don't think so.
A. 信息道德是指在信息的采集、加工、存储、传播和利用等信息活动各个环节中,用来规范其产生的各种社会关系的道德意识、道德规范和道德行为的总和。
B. 信息道德通过社会舆论传统习俗等,使人们形成一定的信念、价值观和习惯,从而使人们自觉地通过判断规范自己的信息行为。
C. 信息道德具有认识、调节和教育功能。
D. 随着互联网技术的发展,网络社会的多元化、开放化、自主化、虚拟化和数字化等方面的特征导致网络社会面临一系列新的道德难题。