
Questions 23-26What do the students decide about each topic for the geography presentation?A They will definitely include this topic.B They might include this topic.C They will not include this topic.Write the correct letter A, B or C, next to questions 23-26.23 Geographical Location _________24 Economy ________25 Overview of Education System _______26 Role of English Language ________


先张法预应力筋放张时,如设计没有具体要求,构件混凝土强度不得低于强度标准值的( )

A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%

预应力钢筋混凝土施工中,钢筋超张拉的作用是( )

A. 便于钢筋除锈
B. 提高钢筋强度
C. 避免钢筋松驰应力损失
D. 增加构件整体性

对偏心构件,放张预应力钢筋时,应( )

A. 先放张预压力较大区域的钢筋
B. 先放张预压力较大区域的钢筋
C. 同时放张所有钢筋
D. 先放张预压力较小区域的钢筋

对轴心受压的预应力混凝土构件,应当采取( )放松预应力钢筋的施工方法。

A. 逐根
B. 同时
C. A或B
D. 随便
