直接融资是指政府、企业等货币资金需求者直接通过发行债券、股票等形式,从机构、个人等货币资金投资者手中融入所需资金。 ()
A. 应当按照公司章程的规定由董事长决定
B. 应当按照公司章程的规定由总经理决定
C. 应当按照公司章程的规定由董事会或者股东会、股东大会决定
D. 禁止为公司股东或者实际控制人提供担保
The Channel Tunnel was closed for 10 hours after the earthquake occurred.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
A. waves
B. tides
C. winds
D. rivers
How did the robot behave at the beginning of the test?
A. It rotated its wings through 90 degrees.
B. It twitched but gradually gained height.
C. It was twitched and broke down.
D. It landed not long after the test.