A. 正确
B. 错误
某项目屋面防水工程采用高聚物改性沥青防水卷材,卷材厚度为3mm,现屋面基层已清理干净,即将进行防水层铺贴,现场施工员对施工队组要求如下: (1)本工程屋面采用热熔法满粘施工;基层已清理完毕,应立即开始铺贴并保证在当天完成,卷材长边搭接宽度为20mm; (2)女儿墙处做泛水高度200mm,在混凝土墙上的卷材收头用水泥钉固定; (3)水落口周围300mm范围内做成3%的坡度,并用密封材料涂封,其厚度不应小于2mm。 基层干燥的简易检验方法如何?
A. 正确
B. 错误
Admiralty EasyTide().
A. has little use for ocean-going mariners
B. permits the mariner to select and simultaneously calculate tidal heights for multiple ports for up to seven days
C. includes periods of daylight and nautical twilight,moon phases and a springs and neaps indicator
D. is supplied in the form of a single CD which contains the calculation program and the seven geographic Area Data Sets(ADS)providing global coverage