
Meat and vegetables are measured in grams and kilograms. Milk and other liquid foods are measured in liters and milliliters. These units only measure quantity; they do not measure the value of the food to the body. The unit which measures the quality or value of food is the "calorie". A calorie is the amount of heat given off by food when it burns. This measurement tells how much energy a certain food has when it is completely used by the body.
Our bodies use varying amounts of calories. The more exercise we take, the more calories we burn. If we eat food which contains more calories than we use up, then it is possible that we would increase in weight. In order to avoid becoming overweight it is advisable to eat a balanced diet and not eat too many foods that have a high calorie rating. The table below gives you some idea of the number of calories in food.
To keep the calorie intake (纳入) down, it is better to eat______.

A. chocolate
B. meat pie
C. fruit
D. apple pie


听力原文: Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Secretary of State Colin Powell have agreed on a seven-day violence-free period to test a U-S-brokered cease-fire with the Palestinians. This would be followed by a cooling off period of six weeks and the introduction of measures to re-build trust between the two sides.
Mr. Sharon and Mr. Powell announced an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians toward a resumption of peace negotiations. Appearing at a joint news conference, they said there must be a seven-day period of complete calm, followed by a cooling-off period. Mr. Sharon says he and Mr. Powell are completely in accord with the principle that the violence must stop before political progress can begin.
How long will the cooling off period be according to the agreement between Israel and the Palestinians?

A. Seven days.
B. Seven weeks.
C. Six weeks.
D. Six days.


A. 实战
B. 训练
C. 演习
D. 模拟


A. 适用缓刑的对象是被判处拘役或3年有期徒刑的犯罪分子
B. 适用缓刑的前提是犯罪分子有悔罪表现,不予关押也不致危害社会
C. A,B两项
D. 累犯和无期徒刑


B. 大量饮水
C. 内镜碎石
D. 膀胱切开取石
E. 尿道切开取石
