
The last paragraph implies that Blackburns final suggestion is______.

A. indirect
B. infeasible
C. insightful
D. illogical


Theodor Adornos attitude towards the idea of "writing for humanity" is one of______.

A. strong disapproval
B. reserved consent
C. slight contempt
D. enthusiastic support

The second paragraph suggests that Plato wrote for______.

A. the general reader
B. an elite audience
C. the rulers of his times
D. his ideal philosophers

Simon Blackburn holds that philosophy exceeds other sciences in______.

A. interestingness
B. technicality
C. accessibility
D. usefulness

By citing the journal Society of Authors , the author intends to .

A. analyze the adverse effect of academicising on philosophy
B. describe the degeneration of philosophical writing
C. discuss the approachability of philosophy to the ordinary
D. exemplify the writing principle of great philosophers
