
vi. to fight against or refuse to obey an authority, for example a government, a system, your parents, etc. ; n. a person who fights against the government of their country

A. rebel
B. ratio
C. range
D. remedy


a. that can be trusted to do sth. well; that you can rely on

A. spoil
B. relieve
C. ripe
D. reliable

a. (of rules, methods, etc.) very strict and difficult to change

A. slender
B. rigid
C. relieve
D. specific

a. unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice

A. remarkable
B. remote
C. slender
D. relieve

a. not drunk; serious and sensible; v. to make sb. behave or think in a more serious and sensible way; to become more serious and sensible

A. roar
B. sober
C. scorn
D. spear
