我国票据法规定,见票即付的汇票,自出票日起一个月内向( )提示付款;
我国票据法规定,()、( )或者( )的汇票,自到期日起十日内向( )提示付款。
通过委托收款银行或者通过票据交换系统向付款人提示付款的,视同( )提示付款。
According to the Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China (2004 Revision)In exercising the right of recourse, the holder shall provide the proofs relating to ( ) or ( ).
According to the Negotiable Instruments Law of the People's Republic of China (2004 Revision)The ( ), (), ( ) and ( ) shall bear a joint and several liability to the holder.