
依据《普通高中英语课程标准》,为有效地发展学生的思维与表达能力,在教学过程中教师可采用图表的方式帮助学生组织信息, __________,发表见解,开阔阅读和写作活动。



Have you ever been to Disneyland Most of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, and many other famous Disney characters. Perhaps we have even seen them in movies. But have you ever be

阅读教学不仅包括__________ 的教学,而且应包括阅读技能的培养和训练,使学生具有真正全面的阅读能力。

It’s one of our common beliefs that mice are afraid of cats. Scientists have long known that even if a mouse has never seen a cat before, it is still able to detect chemical signals released from it a

A. Toxoplasma gondii causes people strange and deadly diseases.
B. With certain infection the infectious disease cannot be cured completely.
C. Human beings infected by toxoplasma gondii will have permanent brain damage.
D. Toxoplasma gondii is harmful to human beings, but it does no harm to mice.
