Patti正在排除网络上的一个问题。根据她过去处理类似情况的经验,她假定问题是一个坏的IP配置,并以此开始排除故障。Patti正在使用哪种结构化的故障排除方法? Patti is troubleshooting an issue on the network. Based on her past experience with similar situations, she assumes the problem is a bad IP configuration and starts troubleshooting with that. Which structured troubleshooting method is Patti using?
A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分而治之 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 遵循路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替代 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜想 Educated Guess
Allan与ISP联系,抱怨连接到互联网的问题。他不确定问题出在哪里。ISP向Allan发送了一个新的预配置的调制解调器,希望能解决这个问题。ISP使用的是哪种结构化的故障排除方法? Allan contacts the ISP complaining of issues connecting to the internet. He is unsure of the problem. The ISP sends a new preconfigured modem to Allan in hopes that it solves the situation. Which structured troubleshooting method is the ISP using?
A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分而治之 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 遵循路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替代 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜想 Educated Guess
当发生面向软件的问题时,应该使用哪种结构化的故障排除方法? Which structured troubleshooting method should be used when a software orientated problem occurs?
A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分而治之 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 遵循路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替代 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜想 Educated Guess
当怀疑是布线问题时,应该使用哪种结构化的故障排除方法? Which structured troubleshooting method should be used when a cabling problem is suspected?
A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分而治之 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 遵循路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替代 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜想 Educated Guess
哪种结构性故障排除方法试图将问题定位在源头和目的地之间的设备或链接上? Which structured troubleshooting method attempts to locate the issue in a device or link between the source and destination?
A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分而治之 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 遵循路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替代 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜想 Educated Guess