
What is the mission of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America ?

A.Empower girls and to help teach values
B.Help girls acquire practical skills
C.Learn first aid
D.Provide a service to the communities


What is the purpose of venturing?

A.To achieve the aims of character, citizenship and personal fitness training
B.To pursue the aims of character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness
C.To provide positive experiences to help youth mature and to prepare them to become responsible adults
D.To take cake of the cub scouts

To help pay for their activities, Scouts mainly raise money

A. rough ______.
B.accepting donations
C.the internet
E.Boy Scouts Popcorn and Girl Scout Cookies

Boy Scouting is the flagship program for boys ages ____.

A.11 to 18
B.7 to 11
C.13 to 21
D.Over 13 years old

How are the girl Scouts' achievements recognized?

A.By badges they have earned
B.Through rank advancement
C.By various special awards
D.Both B and C
