
January 20-24
Join us at the Convention Center to see the latest in home electronics. Companies from around the country will display new model stereos, TVs, and sound systems for home use, as well as the latest in home security devices. Don't miss the special domestic robot demonstrations. See robots clean floors, wash dishes, even take out the garbage!
Admission to the show costs $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-12. Children under 5 will not be admitted, An extra $3 fee is charged for some special events. These include:
January 21 Movie: "The Home of Tomorrow"
January 22 Speaker: Roberta Wilkinson, President of Automation, Inc.
Topic: The invention team at Automation, Inc.
January 23 Demonstration: Home Security Systems
January 24 Reception with JET Company, the Designers of
Tickets can be purchased at the Convention Center or online. There is an extra charge of $1 per ticket for online purchases. Buy your tickets today! Last year's show sold out!
From: Mai Itakara
To: Hank Ellmers
Sent: Wednesday, January 19.20__ 11:12 P.M.
Subject: Schedule a time to go to the show
Hank, The Home Electronics Show begins tomorrow and lasts through the weekend. Would you like to go with me? Your daughter Emma might enjoy it, too. It would cost just $25 for the three of us.
We can go tomorrow or later in the week if you prefer. There are some special events that you might enjoy, too. That company that you just bought stock in is giving a presentation on January 22. The company's president is speaking. You will probably want to see the security demonstration, too, since you're a police officer.
E-mail or call me today if you're interested. I'll be near the Convention Center tomorrow, so I can pick up the tickets without paying the extra charge. By the way, there is also an extra charge for the special events. You pay it at the time of each event, so you can decide about that later.
What will robots demonstrate at the convention?

A. Playing stereos
B. Watching TV
C. Doing housework
D. Operating security systems


How many survey participants invested in gold this year?

A. 600
B. 625
C. 900
D. 875

Which types of investments does Mr. Grimaldi want to discuss with Ms. Young?

A. Gold, IRA 900's, and real estate
B. International and domestic stocks
Cash, savings, and bonds
D. Mutual funds, Roth IRAs, and annuities

From: Guillermo Grimaldi
To: Samantha Young
Subject: Survey Results
We have the results of our Preferred Investments Survey. I have attached the "Types of Investments" table.
There is one change on the survey compared to last year. We divided one major category into two parts. The parts are "buildings" and "property." That's why we don't have a number from last year to use as a comparison.
We talked to 1,000 investors between March 1 and March 15. While most of them put their money into a variety of investments, the survey shows that this year there was a greater variety in the type of investment chosen than last year. More people are purchasing each different type of investment. For example, look at the number of mutual fund investors last year (800) as compared to this year (850).
These results will help our company better decide how to sell our investment products. We predict three types of investment will increase in popularity, and they should be heavily advertised over the next year. Also, we predict that three investments will decrease in popularity. We should decide what to do about those. Are you available on Friday morning? Let's discuss the declining investments.
Types of Investments
March 1-15
*Prediction: d=will go down; s=will stay the same u=will go up
How many investors participated in the survey?

A. 800
B. 850
C. 965
D. 1,000

When was the population under 2 billion?

A. In 1.900
B. In 1925
C. In 1950
D. In 1975
