

A. 《关于清算、减租及土地问题的指示》
B. 《中国土地法大纲》
C. 《在不同地区实行土地法的不同策略》
D. 《新解放土地改革要点》


听力原文:W: I know your company was one of the biggest American corporations to take the idea of customer services seriously...
M: Yes, urn, I think you can say we were among the pioneers.
W: So, with the experience of many years of trying to get it right, what would you define as the most important elements in providing successful customer services?
M: Mm... well, that's quite a difficult question, because so many factors are absolutely vital if you want to succeed, and success with the customer services, I might add, means doing everything you possibly can to please and keep customers.
W: Does that include the old idea that, for a company, the customer is always right?
M: Not exactly. The slogan that the customer is always right is rather simple, and unrealistic. I would say that, instead, the most important aim of a customer services unit is to encourage communication with customers, to actively seek feedback, including complaints, and to acknowledge all comments, good and bad, from customers because people like to be treated with respect.
W: Then what do you think are the most important factors for a company's success?
M: It seems to me that a company's success, in terms of good reputation and high profits, depends more on the relationship the company establishes with the customers. That relationship involves the company in consistently providing high-quality products and top-quality services.
W: So what you're saying is, in fact, very simply--basically, keeping customers happy depends on providing quality and encouraging communication.
M: Yes, but the essential factor is communication. A successful customer dervices unit is one that acts as a link between the company and the customer to ensure that the company can respond to the needs of the customer. After all, a company's success can only come from a satisfied customer.

A. Providing high-quality products for customers.
B. Providing good services for customers.
C. Doing everything you can to please and keep customers.
D. Establishing dialogues with the customers.


A. 《关于恢复邓小平同志职务的决议》
B. 《关于若干历史问题的决议》
C. 《关于进一步治理整顿和深化改革的决定》
D. 《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》


A. 社会主义经济理论
B. “以阶级斗争为纲”的理论
C. 无产阶级革命理论
D. 实现现代化的理论


A. 1943年8月25日
B. 1944年8月25
C. 1945年8月25日
D. 1946年8月25日
