Complete the sentences with the words below. Change the form if necessary.aesthetic craftsman deliberately flaw humility imitate incident notion1. Traditional Japanese ideas of beauty contain __________ that may seem quite foreign to Westerners, who name them “Japaneseness.”2. Chinese landscape paintings are not the kind of art that merely __________ nature but expresses the artist’s heart and mind.3. We have fully described this historical __________ of Japanese art here because it has an important bearing on Japanese philosophy.4. One of the traditional Chinese values is __________, referring to the quality of being humble, the quality of not thinking that you are better than other people.5. Discovered an obvious design __________, his new work, a building in a Scottish city, has been ridiculed by people on social media.6. More than 2,000 years ago, Lu Ban, the most famous ___________ of China, solved many architectural problems.7. We designed three- and four-storey houses, combining a modern __________ with a high level of sustainability.8. Some social media companies are ____________ attracting users to their products for financial gain.