

A. 责令施工企业整改
B. 向施工企业项目经理报告
C. 向建设单位驻工地代表报告
D. 向建设行政主管部门报告




A. 1.29
B. 1.28
C. 1.03
D. 1.32

【背景资料】某5层砖混结构宿舍楼,7度抗震设防。墙厚240mm,墙长48m,宽12m,实际地质情况为西部地基土为中偏高压缩性土,而东部较坚硬。因紧邻该建筑的东侧建有同类型的房屋,并具有详细的地质勘察资料,故建设方省去了地质勘察,要求设计院按该地质勘察资料确定地基承载力。在房屋报建时因无地质资料,未获审批,后不得不补做了勘察,但此时基础已施工完成。施工方为了赶工期,新招进一劳务作业队伍进行墙体砌筑,发现砌筑砂浆层饱满度为75%,皮数砖同缝,多处转角和纵横墙丁字相交处的施工临时洞口处留直槎等情况,当房屋建至5层,墙面开始出现少量细微裂纹,随后逐步发展为裂缝,且不断增多。 请根据上述背景资料完成以下选项。 蒸压加气混凝土砌块施工时的含水率宜小于20%。

A. 正确
B. 错误

You are the administrator of Company.com’s network. Your network has 100 Windows 2000 Professional computers and 10 Windows 2000 Server computers. Users on the network save their work files in home folders on a network server. The NTFS partition that contains the home folders has Encrypting File System (EFS) enabled. In addition, the network servers is configured with disk quotas for the NTFS volume that contains the home folders. All users have a default limit of 100 MB, and the option to deny space to users who exceed their limit has been enabled. A user reports that he cannot save any files to his home folder. He also cannot update files in his home folder. When he attempts to save files to the folder, he receives the following error message: “Insufficient disk space.” Other users are not experiencing this problem with their home folders. You want to enable the user to save files in his home folder. What should you do?()

A. Use Windows Backup to archive and remove old files on the server.
B. Increase the server’s disk quota entry for the user to accommodate the additional files.
C. Log on to the network as a Recovery Agent.Decrypt all of the user’s files in his home folder.
D. Log on to the network by using the domain Administrator account.Grant the user Full Control permission to his home folder.
