Listen for detailed information: watch the clip again and complete the following blanks.*Kirsty's parents: The difference is Kirsty's parents have _____ roles. The mother the ______, the father part of a growing ____ of men turned _____.*John Stanley: John Stanley is something of a(n) _____. A single father ____ to bring up his young son. Mr Stanley from Corbey is one of the only __% of families run solely by men. He is ______ from his partner but unlike _______ cases, won _____ of three-year-old Shawn.* The Dixon’s case: In the Dixon’s case, they are now both ____ and both ___ the work of child ____. Now they are both working and both still do the work in the house.
Fill in the blanks with the words you learned in Clip Two (Unit Two).1. The new ____ of walking holidays puts the emphasis on enjoyment, not endurance.这种新型的徒步旅行假日重在愉悦身心,而不是为了锻炼耐力。2. Carlson noticed another____; his plant had bloomed twice.卡尔森注意到另外一件怪事:他的植物开了两次花。3. Their____ aim is to destabilize the Indian government.他们唯一的目的就是要动摇印度政府的统治。4. Next week they will ____ places and will repeat the switch weekly.下周他们将交换座位,并且以后每周换一次。5. The sound of ____ shooting could still beheard.仍能听见零星的枪声。6. The plaintiff's ____ witness, a gambler and layabout, was easily discredited.原告唯一的证人嗜赌成性,游手好闲,其证词一下子就被推翻了。7. They accept and value people as individuals, and are strongly ____ .他们接受并尊重他人的独立性, 极富平等精神。
苏格拉底的“产婆术”主要体现的教学原则是( )
A. 直观性原则
B. 启发性原则
C. 教育性原则
D. 思想性原则
A. 神话起源论
B. 生物起源论
C. 心理起源论
D. 劳动起源论
A. 交往起源论
B. 生物起源论
C. 心理起源论
D. 劳动起源论