

A. 阳明腑实,气血不足证
B. 肠痈初起,湿热瘀滞证
C. 肾虚便秘
D. 大结胸证
E. 阳明腑实轻证



A. 利水消肿
B. 利尿通淋
C. 淡渗利湿
D. 攻逐水饮
E. 利湿去浊


A. 黄龙汤
B. 温脾汤
C. 大黄牡丹汤
D. 大黄附子汤
E. 大承气汤

A Listen and repeat.[音频]test organized dividers notebook assignment binderssummarymemorizeB. Complete the sentences with words from Exercise A. You can change the form if necessary.1. George is a good student. He takes notes in his every class.2. Shh! You can’t talk during the.3. You can work together. This is a group .4. This vacation is well- . We have a plan for every day.5. James can always remember new words. He canthem easily.6. If you read theof the novel, you will know what the story is about.7. Tracy put all the paper into a large .8. In between eachI put different subjects.

Listen and complete the conversation.[音频]Teacher: Don’t forget we have a test next Monday, the 4th of August.Student: OK, teacher. Which pages of the textbook will you be (1)?Teacher: The test will be on pages 40 to (2) . That’s Chapters 2, 3 and 4.Student: OK, I will read through my (3) . I wrote a (4)of each chapter.Teacher: You should also (5) all the vocabulary, too.Student: Thanks! I will.Teacher: Good luck. Let me know if you have any more questions.
