What is the author's best intention in writing this passage?
A. To show computer is as intelligent as man.
B. To show man is no better than computer.
C. To show human life and affairs will be taken over by computers.
D. To illustrate what kind of mistake people make in refuting the possibility that computers will control the life of human beings.
In the passage, the author ______.
A. agrees to the three arguments
B. demonstrates the three arguments with more evidence
C. is against the three arguments
D. explains the three arguments more clearly
In paragraph 1, "this kind of work" refers to ______.
A. batch production
B. flow production
C. mass production
D. job production
监理工程师在接到承包人提交的工程施工进度计划后,应对进度计划进行认真的审核。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 广告制作佣金应在相关广告或商业行为开始出现于公众面前时,确认为劳务收入
B. 与商品销售收入分开的安装费,应在资产负债表日根据安装的完工程度确认为收入
C. 对附有销售退回条件的商品销售,如不能合理地确定退货的可能性,则应在售出商品退货期满时确认收入
D. 劳务开始和完成分属于不同的会计年度且劳务结果不能可靠估计的情况下,如已发生的劳务成本预计能够补偿,则应在资产负债表日按已发生的劳务成本确认收入