

A. 正确
B. 错误



A. 由于正常原因造成的单项工程或单位工程报废或毁损,减去残料价值和过失人或保险公司等赔款后的净损失,如果尚未达到预定可使用状态,计入继续施工的工程成本
B. 固定资产减值准备的提取有三种方法:单项计提、分类计提、总体计提
C. 如为非正常原因造成的单项工程或单位工程报废或毁损,或在建工程项目全部报废或毁损,减去残料价值和过失人或保险公司等赔款后的净损失,属于筹建期间的,计入长期待摊费用,在开始生产经营的当月一次性转入管理费用;不属于筹建期间的,直接计入当期营业外支出
D. 固定资产的入账价值应当包括为取得该固定资产而交纳的耕地占用税等相关税费


A. to play
B. having played
C. playing
D. to have played

While most people think of the prototypical geek(表演滑稽戏的人) when defining computer programmers, the field is becoming more diverse as more people enter the field, attracted by high salaries. However, successful software developers are intelligent, abstract thinkers who are good with mathematics and logical reasoning. A programmer must be able to pay attention to details, since as Sean Tierney, an IT manager at an Internet start-up, notes, "abstract thinking is needed, not ambiguous thinking. You have to be able to pay attention to details. A misplaced comma will stop the application from functioning. In programming either the application works or it doesn't."
Software development is still a male dominated field. The current programming culture is still known for lax attitudes towards time-keeping and dress codes—not to mention to distaste for authority. The combination of high salaries and high demand allows these professionals to have more control over their working conditions. "Managing programmers is like herding cats" is a common expression in the industry.
Contrary to the geek stereotype, communication skills are very important, both written and verbal. Many good software engineers prefer clearly defined specifications and well documented code so that future programmers have a lucid understanding of what has already been done. A typical dot-com will have only a few software engineers because of high costs. Therefore, a staff programmer may be called upon to represent and explain technical requirements to other staff, clients, and partners.
The salaries are quite high in this field, ranging from $50K to $120K+, depending on the years of experience, educational background, range of languages and skills, management level(such as development lead), and industry. Note that start-ups may pay significantly less than banks or other major corporations; and consultants may earn significantly more than their full-time, one-company counterparts. Nevertheless, most employees prefer to work at lower-paying dot-corns and software development houses because they prefer more relaxed, egalitarian company cultures. No matter what the industry, benefits include stock options and bonuses, although these too vary from place to place.
Most of the top salaries require some management responsibilities as well as programming. There is a cap for those who wish to avoid management and just code for the rest of their lives. Programmers who decide to move into management or who start their own businesses often stop programming eventually as business requirements take up most of their time and they are unable to keep current in the field.
Why more and more people became interested in becoming computer programmers?

A. Because the job is very interesting.
Because they can get well paid in this profession.
C. Because it takes no great efforts to learn to do it.
D. Because of the high social status of the professionals.

A.Both of them have overcome their fear of heights.B.The woman is afraid of high place

A. Both of them have overcome their fear of heights.
B. The woman is afraid of high places, but the man is not.
C. They are both afraid of high places.
D. Both of them like to stand on high places.
